Notes de mise à jour
(disponibles en anglais seulement)
Version actuelle 1.1016 (04/07/2013)
Les modifications suivantes ont été apportées :
Version 1.1016 dated 04/07/2013:
- Fixed errors by reinstall RibbonCreator 2010.
- Fixed loading Menu Callbacks
- Online help enhanced and updated.
- ... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.1015 dated 02/06/2013:
- Spelling errors corrected.
- Word/PowerPoint - Errors by idMso groups - resolved.
- Online help enhanced and updated.
- ... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.1014b dated 09/20/2012:
- An image can be assigned to a group.
- Standard Callback-Group "GetImage" added.
- Spelling errors corrected.
- Display errors when moving groups resolved.
- Online help enhanced and updated.
- ... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.1013 dated 06/04/2012:
- Error messages adjusted.
- idMsos updated.
- In new Word/Excel files that are created with the RibbonCreator 2010 the CustomUi14.xml will be placed to the right position.
- Error handling added if version is changed when setting the tab order.
- The Supertip may be deleted on the following controls:
- DialogboxLauncher
- Button
- ToggleButton
- Label
- Checkbox
- Dropdown
- EditBox
- Gallery
- Button
- Item
- SplitButton
- Combobox
- DynamicMenü
- Menü
- Button
- ToggleButton
- Checkbox
- Menü - Control
- ButtonGroup - Button
- ButtonGroup - ToggleButton
- Online help enhanced and updated.
- ... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.1012a dated 10/27/2011:
- Option for "Use Late Binding" added.
- Update module "basGDIPLus"
- Online help enhanced and updated.
- ... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.1011 dated 08/27/2011:
- Option for "Import / Export Format" added.
- Online help enhanced and updated.
- ... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.1010 dated 07/16/2011:
- PowerPoint added.
- Option for the last selected Image
- Button "Save" for XML Files
- The Ribbon XML Code can be opened in a text file
- Image Browser: Key "Enter" starts the search
- Image Browser: Key "ESC" clears the searchfield
- Hide Checkbox Defaultvalue on SplitButton - Button
- Bugfix on Field RibbonName in Tab Access-Finish
- idMso Images (large/normal) be displayed correctly
- Online help enhanced and updated.
- ... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.1009 dated 05/13/2011:
- Special Registry Keys added.
- Callback "getImages" can be used in Word/Excel.
- Error : Gallery Columns/Rows were swapped by mistake while saving or loading
- Online help enhanced and updated.
- ... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.1008 dated 04/02/2011:
- Added program language Spain.
- Added program language French.
- Online help enhanced and updated.
- ... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.1007 dated 03/18/2011:
- Added program language Italian.
- Online help enhanced and updated.
- ... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.1006 dated 03/11/2011:
- Add two new options:
- Start RibbonCreator 2010 with last saved Ribbon project
- Confirmation prompt when deleting objects
- Rename "Add Controls" in "Controls".
- Minor bug fixes:
- "&" Sign Error in Menu Controls.
- Error by open a Access Ribbon (created with Version 1.1005).
- Error by saving a Word document.
- Images from idMso SplitButtons are showing.
- Online help enhanced and updated.
- ... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.1005 dated 01/30/2011:
- Callback "getLabel" added for the following objects:
- Tab
- Group
- Button
- ToggleButton
- Label
- Checkbox
- Dropdown
- EditBox
- Gallery
- Button
- SplitButton
- Combobox
- DynamicMenu
- Menu
- Button
- ToggleButton
- Checkbox
- Menu - Control
- ButtonGroup - Button
- ButtonGroup - ToggleButton
- Callback "getScreentip" and "getSupertip" added for the following objects:
- DialogboxLauncher
- Button
- ToggleButton
- Label
- Checkbox
- Dropdown
- EditBox
- Gallery
- Button
- SplitButton
- Combobox
- DynamicMenu
- Menu
- Button
- ToggleButton
- Checkbox
- Menu - Control
- ButtonGroup - Button
- ButtonGroup - ToggleButton
- Callback "getDescription" added for the following objects:
- Menu Controls:
- Button
- ToggleButton
- Checkbox
- Menu - Control
- Menu Controls:
- Callback "getTitle" added for the following objects:
- Menu Controls:
- Separator
- Menu Controls:
- basCallbacks - (Word / Excel) extended with the callback "getLabel", "getScreentip", "getSupertip", "getDescription" and "getTitle".
- basRibbonCallbacks extended with the callback "getLabel", "getScreentip", "getSupertip", "getDescription" and "getTitle".
- Callback Editor (Access only) enhanced for "getLabel", "getScreentip", "getSupertip", "getDescription" and "getTitle".
- Bugfix in BackstageView if load a Office 2007 Ribbon.
- Export to an XML file reconverted to ANSI.
- Special characters in the Ribbon XML will be masked.
- Online help enhanced and updated.
- ... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.1004 dated 12/01/2010:
- Minor bug fixes
- Online help enhanced and updated.
- ... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.1003 dated 09/06/2010:
- Menu Item - Add attribute "description".
- Tab Attribut "insertBeforeMso" and "insertAfterMso" available for
- Access
- Word
- Excel
- Ribbon Control "DynamicMenu"
- Standard Callbacks - DynamicMenu.
- basRibbonCallbacks enhanced for the DynamicMenu available for
- Access
- Word
- Excel
- A callback file containing all Select-Case-Statements may be created on the
Tab "Finish" and is available for:
- Access
- Word
- Excel
- Callback Editor (Access only) enhanced for DynamicMenu.
- Menu Editor revised.
- Images adapted (1784 large and 3300 normal images).
- idMsoControls will be passed correctly to a Word or Excel ButtonGroup.
- Some spelling mistakes corrected.
- Online help enhanced and updated.
- ... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.1002 dated 07/25/2010:
- Preview for Application BackstageView.
- Replace Office menü with BackstageView.
- Online help enhanced and updated.
- ... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.1001 dated 07/07/2010:
- Dual groups are recognized
- Fixed: RibbonName in Tag (Menu)
- Default Theme is correctly identified
- Under Office Standard - Access are disabled
- Preferred Office Application is set to "Excel" under Office Standard
- Online help enhanced and updated.
- ... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.1000a dated 06/06/2010:
- Support vor Office Control IDs (RTM) for:
- Access
- Word
- Excel
- Bugfix: Under certain circumstances Groups could have got the same ID.
- Online help enhanced and updated.
... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.007 dated 04/27/2010:
- Single Ribbon Groups can be moved within a ribbon
- Single Ribbon Controls can be moved within a ribbon:
- Button
- ToggleButton
- Label
- Checkbox
- Separator
- Dropdown
- EditBox
- Gallery
- SplitButton
- Combobox
- Menü
- ButtonGroup
- At startup a check is made whether an instance of the RibbonCreator is already running.
- Recognize whether the name of a custom image starts with a number.
- Bugfix: Group without Labeltext is detected.
- Online help enhanced and updated.
... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.005 dated 03/11/2010:
- Upto three customized tag values for following elements:
- Tab
- Group - DialogBoxLauncher
- Button
- ToggleButton
- Label
- Checkbox
- Dropdown
- EditBox
- Gallery
- Button
- SplitButton
- Combobox
- Menü
- Button
- ToggleButton
- Checkbox
- Menü - Control
- ButtonGroup - Button
- ButtonGroup - ToggleButton
- Fixed emty "tab" Tags.
- Fixed Bug in Combobox / Dropdown Wizzard.
- "basGDIPlus" updated.
- Online help enhanced and updated.
... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.004 dated 01/11/2010:
- Edit Control ID for:
- Tab
- Group
- Button
- ToggleButton
- Label
- Checkbox
- Dropdown
- Separator
- EditBox
- Gallery
- SplitButton
- Combobox
- ButtonGroups
- Button
- ToggleButton
- Menü
- Button
- ToggleButton
- Separator
- Checkbox
- Menü
- Support vor Office Control IDs (Beta2) for:
- Access
- Word
- Excel
- Online help enhanced and updated.
... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.002 dated 12/06/2009:
- Add Onlinehelp
... and a number of further modifications.
Version 1.000 dated 11/29/2009:
- First Release