Terms of Use
Terms of Use
Please be aware that no free support by email or phone can be provided. For
free support please visit my site or the newsgroups.
You can use any code here, at your own risk,
in any application you develop, even if the original source code is
provided with the application. This also includes applications
developed for corporate use distributed internally.
in any complete demo application, so long as the purpose of the demo is
to demonstrate something other than that code found here (in other
words, the code is used as a method or set of methods within a larger
application whose primary goal is not to demonstrate the code taken
from this site).
You cannot
- copy, redistribute or republish any source code code from this site by any means, including distributing the code on the web, in zip files, demos or via a CD collection, whether free or not. This means no web pages, text files, demo projects, classes, or databases that replicate the source found here. If you find something of interest please refer users to the corresponding page, or link to the page(s) of interest.